Men on the Path to Love

BONUS: How to Reconnect Separated Husbands with Their Wives

Bill Simpson Season 2 Episode 39

In this BONUS episode, you will hear my conversation with author and coach Randy Pryor.  He wrote a book called "S.O.S Reconnect". It's a how-to guide to help separated husbands reconnect with their wives. He tells his own story of how he reconnected with ex wife to where now she and her husband are two of his best friends. Check the How to Reconnect Separated Husbands with Their Wives episode.

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Bill Simpson: Hi, and welcome to the men on the Path the Love podcast, bonus episode. How to reconnect and separated husbands with their wives, with author Randy Kreyer. I'm Bill Simpson, your host, I Coachmen, are struggling in relationship how to communicate effectively, build trust, and deepen intimacy so they can be the best version of themselves in relationship and the the life they love. Randy Prior is the author of SOS Reconnect. It's a how to book for reconnecting separated husbands with their wife.

Randy is very passionate about his work, and he kindly shares some of his useful tips from his proven system that has helped men who are separated discover the best version of themselves, and to reconnect with their wives. It is possible. So stay with me. You just might learn something. It's the men on the path to love podcast.

 Welcome, Randy, to men on the path to love.

Randy Pryor: Thank you so much. It's a pleasure to be here.

Bill Simpson: Glad to have you, man. Before we get into what you do and and reconnecting husbands who are separated with their spouses, I always tell stories on my show. Whether it's my story or my client's story. So I asked my guest, tell me your story. How did you get from where you were to where you are now?

 And it's it's a pretty fascinating story, so I'm looking forward to hearing more of it.

Randy Pryor: Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I'd had a 40 year career as a professional comedy magician and juggler. Believe it or not.

Bill Simpson: Wow.

Randy Pryor: And it was great. I had a great time. And, the last 7 years, my wife, I were on cruise ships all over the world, and that was awesome. But we decided to start a family and have kids, and we didn't wanna do it on the open ocean. So we got off the Simpson I had about 3 different theaters locally that I could, you know, work all the time.

And in a span of about 60 days, 2 of them closed. And, you know, we had just had our our second child. So I dove into work and admittedly worked too hard. We're taught if you wanna be a good husband, you need to become a good provider. So I did that.

And, unfortunately, I did too much of that. And after 14 years, she said, yeah. I don't love you anymore. I want a divorce.

Bill Simpson: Oh, wow.

Randy Pryor: That was devastating in a single word. Sure. So I actually went to my church and I and I they had a support group there for separated guys, and I dove in and I learned everything I could. And about 6 months later, they asked me to become a leader, and that was 14 years ago, and I'm still there.

Bill Simpson: Wow. So how did that apply to your life, were you able to reconnect in any kind of way with your spouse?

Randy Pryor: Yeah. As it turns out, I was like most guys I waited until after she said, I don't love you anymore. I want a divorce. And then I reached out for help. So although we got our friendship back, She started dating immediately and got remarried and all that kind of stuff, fortunately.

And this isn't necessarily the goal of separated guys. But we eventually became not only good friends, but she and her husband are 2 of my best friends. And that's something that I could do, you know, on my own. I mean, I gotta be honest. My life is a 1000% better than it used to be because I learned all these things that I didn't realize were even more important than, you know, a happy wife.

Bill Simpson: Well, I can relate as someone who's been through 3 divorces. Wow. Of course. And now, you know, I'm friendly and connected with my exes and or 2 of the 3. My first one, I'm not.  And that's been a work in progress, and we're in a really good place right now.  I've been with my wife now for 15 years having to go through all the bumps and obstacles of navigating relationships from past wounds and all those things that come into play to find a really amazing relationship right now. So I feel grateful for that. You've written a book called the the SOS reconnect method. Is that right?

Randy Pryor: Yeah. SOS reconnect. The s, the first s is for stop pushing her away. O is for communication, and the last s is to surround yourself with a group Godly man who couldn't support you and have already been through it, you know, so you have some accountability. And that's what works.

Bill Simpson: So take us through the process. Do I come to you when I am separated and not legally divorced, or is it more, after the divorce? Like, where maybe it's all of the above, how would it work?

Randy Pryor: Yeah. It is all of the above. I've got clients that were just in a very bad struggling marriage, but weren't separated. Most guys that I help are separated, but we even one of our guys was divorced for 2 solid years, and he just wanted to become a better version of himself. So he joined the program and through a a set of very interesting circumstances, he and his ex wife are now back together again

Bill Simpson: Wow.

Randy Pryor: Of the things that he learned and put into practice. Wow. So, you know, it's it's pretty fascinating. And to answer your question, when they usually find me, they read the book. It's it's only $5 And they read the book and they go, wait, this makes a lot of sense.  Okay. I can see it. See, the the very common phrase that most of us use is Bill, I knew it was bad, but I didn't think it was that bad.

Bill Simpson: Mhmm. Yep.

Randy Pryor: Right? Sure. So the way it works is obviously, and you know this on your show. Men and ladies are different. Okay. We're made differently. Right? Okay. The ladies have the emotions and the nurturing and the intuition and great stuff. Right?

There's no mistakes there, but that's not how we're made. We have the logic and the need to fix things. Messing our DNA, right? It's how we're made. So we think that everything in our life is a 2 step process. Something's broken. Let's fix it. And that's what we're us everywhere else. Works in our job, works in life. Okay.

So we look at the relationship. And if something's broken in our marriage or the relationship, we think, okay. Well, let's work on it. Let's fix it. Right. The problem is that's not their perspective. Women look at it like, okay. If it's broken, First, we have to reconnect. And if we reconnect, then we'll fix it. Right?  Then we'll start to work on it.

Bill Simpson: You you both have to be seen and heard in this situation, especially if she's the one pulling out. You know?

Randy Pryor: Right. Exactly. And we think that we'll get closer by fixing the issues. It's kinda like sex. With sex, men know that we feel more connected to our significant other, our wives. When we have sex. We also understand that unless a wife feels connected to their husband, there won't be any sex. Yep. Yeah. And the and the deal is, and and I have lots of little phrases that help me re remember the concepts.

Basically, it comes down to this. Your wife needs to be able to imagine that life with you could be better than it's ever been. And right now, she can. If there's a separation, She's thinking 2 things. She's thinking I can't stand the way it is, and I can't imagine that it will ever change permanently.

And it doesn't mean it can change and get better. It just means that she can't imagine it, and that's based on her personal experience. In fact, her biggest fear is that you do change, and things are great for a while. And she you you guys get back together. It's wonderful for a while.  And then it slides right back into how it used to be.

Bill Simpson: And I always say that's how the brain works. You know, we think, oh, because we learned something and we go back to the gym and we're, you know, doing it for a month or 2, and then we slide back That's just human nature. That's what we do.

Randy Pryor: Right. It's exactly what we do. And that's what she's afraid of. Here's what I help my guys with. I know this is good to sound harsh.

Randy Pryor: But if you're separated, you have to look at it this way. Your wife is not coming back to you. She's not coming back to you. She may go forward with you. But she's not going backwards.

Bill Simpson: Oh, got it.

Randy Pryor: Every time you suggest counseling, therapy, working on the marriage, or working on yourself. That feels unsafe to her because it represents going backwards. So that's why it doesn't work. You can't think, how do I win my wife back?

If you don't, it's that simple. You don't go backwards. You become the best version of yourself that you can be 100% focused on yourself and she can start to look at you differently. That's what you want her to do. If you want your wife to look at you differently, you have to give her something different to look at.

Bill Simpson: Absolutely. I always say too that it starts with us. It starts with ourselves first and making those improvements, those changes for you and for the relationship.

Randy Pryor: Right. Exactly. Yeah. My other phrase that I wish I could turn into a wall size poster It's very simple, but it it really is this. You have to have an attitude of if it's important to you, it's important to me.You have to go there. Right? And if you demonstrate that, not talk about it. I mean, stop talking. Bill, if you're separated, stop talking.

It's all about actions. It's all about showing her. Okay? And once you can show her that if it's important to you, it's important to me, Once she can see that and she believes it, she's not going anywhere. Why would she?

Bill Simpson: Yeah. And I I love that. If it's important to you, it's important to me. I had a an image image and dating coach on a few episodes back, and the wife wanted the husband to do the imaging change and that, you know, and learn a little bit about how to communicate and things like that. And his answer was, well, it was important to her So it became important to him.  And then he had great benefit out of it, and then it became important to him. Excellent.

Randy Pryor: Yeah. Yeah. You can start by by listening. A lot of guys will say, well, what how do I what what's the first thing I need to do? Okay.  Listen. And I agree with, Steven Covey. He says most people don't listen with the intent to understand. They listen with the intent to reply.

Bill Simpson: Exactly.

Randy Pryor: I have the poster child for that. 14 years of marriage. For some reason, I thought it was important that I could come up with the answer to her problem while she was explaining the problem.

Bill Simpson: Problem solved.

Randy Pryor: Right? Okay. I I get a badge for that or something or a star. Okay. The problem is I'm never fully there.

Randy Pryor: I'm not giving her my full attention. Half of my brain is thinking about the fix instead of giving her my full attention, and then trying to figure out, does she really want my input, which is often a really great question, or does she prevent?

Bill Simpson: Mhmm. And, yeah, and it's nice if they could preface it by saying, I just want to vent versus I want you to solve my problem, and then it's up us, if that's not happening, is to say, do you want my income input, or do you just want me to listen?

Randy Pryor: Yeah. And even that's better than not. It's actually better to ask question. What my input? Cause I can be here for you and just listen.

Bill Simpson: Right. Right.

Randy Pryor: It it Bill be surprised at how many times they just wanna be heard.

Bill Simpson: Yeah. And you can't even solve the problem unless they feel heard. You know? Yeah. And I I've saved that a lot too. And If you can listen to whether it's repeating it back, what she says, or make sure she knows that you understand where she's coming from. And then vice versa, then you can start to chip away at the problem. Right.

Randy Pryor: Absolutely. And I know in the world it says marriage is 5050. It takes two people to work on this. Well, okay. But how about this? Instead of thinking it's 5050, it's actually 10100.

Bill Simpson: I like that.

Randy Pryor: You can work on yourself, and that has an influence and that can change everything when she sees that you're working on yourself. A 100%. And she has nothing to do with that. You don't need her participation. You can become the best version of yourself.

That's what we help guys with. And she can start to look at you differently. She can start to imagine that life is better. She sees that you're listening. There's all kinds of things that she can go, wow.  I really like this new guy. Like this, you know, we call them 2.0. Right?

Bill Simpson: That's great.

Randy Pryor: See, and and I know you you've heard this before. I firmly believe that any two people can solve or at least manage any issue as long as they're on the same page. Once you reach a a place of, like, a separation, you're not only not on the same page. You're not even in the same book. And if you're headed for divorce, you're not even in the same library. And that's what we have to fix.

We have you guys back on the same page, and that means get healthy first before trying to fix the issues.

Bill Simpson: And what's the first step for that? Like, how do you get them on that path?

Randy Pryor: Yeah. The first step is also the hardest. If you really wanna fix this, you gotta stop trying to fix this. And where else on this planet? Does that work?

Randy Pryor: Hope that it gets better? No. No. No. That's not what that's not what I'm saying.

Randy Pryor: No. You actually get to work. On yourself. You can read the right books. You can watch the right videos.  You can join the right small group. There's all kinds of things that you can do that have nothing to do with trying to fix the problems and the issues. Those are easy. Once you get back on the same page, it's the it's not like they solve themselves, but if you're on the same page, They wanna help. They wanna fix it as Bill, and then it's really easy. You have to get out of your own way.

Bill Simpson: I'm thinking about that first step. And, okay, now I'm taking that step to get myself healthy, mentally healthy, and all those things emotionally healthy. How do I convey that to her? I don't wanna say see. I'm changing because then that's not gonna work. What do you recommend with that?

Randy Pryor: Yeah. You absolutely don't say, hey. Look at me.

Bill Simpson: Right.

Randy Pryor: You have to show it to her. I started doing a thing called reconnecting about, 14 years ago. And it started out because my kids were pro mom and anti dad right after the divorce. They don't wanna talk to me at all.

Bill Simpson: Mhmm.

Randy Pryor: So I actually went to Disneyland. I used to work there, and I used to take the kids all the time when they were real small. And so I went all the way to the back of the park turned around, and I noticed that there was no sign anywhere. I happened to be in Critter Country, is what it was called, and there's no sign. So I just took a picture of and I sent it to each of my kids. They were, I think, 9 and 11 at the time, so naturally, they had their own cell phones.

Bill Simpson: Mhmm.

Randy Pryor: So I just sent a picture and I just said, where am I? Right? I didn't say, oh, I miss you. I love you. We should get back together. We should be with your father 50%. All those pressure statements. Nothing. I sent a picture and said, where am I? Well, within 5 minutes, my oldest sent back, you're in Critter Country dad.  Come on. You can do better than that. And it was on. For the next 2 hours, I played a game with my kids, and all I did was make the clues harder and harder. Just took a picture and sent it to him. That was it. Wow. No pressure whatsoever. 

So I developed something called reconnecting. And reconnecting is about it's an outreach. It's about texting but it's not about texting the way that we regularly think of it. As you well know, texting can be very dangerous.

Bill Simpson: Right.

Randy Pryor: No inflection. There's no interpretation, all that. Yeah.

Bill Simpson: Right. 

Randy Pryor: Right. Right. There's nothing. So we don't use texting as engagement. You're not trying to get her to do anything to engage with you.  If you're separated, there's a good chance that when you send her a text, her phone lights up and she sees your name, and she probably clinches up. Right? She's gonna go.

Bill Simpson: Oh, there he goes again.

Randy Pryor: How about instead, and this is what reconnecting is? It starts by making a top 10 list. Make a list of 10 things, the top 10 things that your wife is really into. She's passionate about her hobbies, her interests, but you have nothing to do with it. It's not about things that the 2 of you have done together. That's manipulation.

Bill Simpson: Right.

Randy Pryor: If she's, I'll just make something up. If she's, she loves to garden, I would say be very specific about these top 10 things.

Bill Simpson: Okay.

Randy Pryor: Not just gardening. What's her favorite part of gardening? Well, she really loves roses. Okay. What kind of roses? Well, her favorite are blue roses. Okay. Great. Then you go to to Google, and maybe go to Google news and you look up blue roses, and there'll be a bunch of articles about there. Right?

All all about how to do blue roses. Okay. I don't know the first thing about it. So you'd read a couple of articles and you find one that you know she would love and you grab the link and you send her the link, but all you say is check this out. That's it. You don't say, hey. Did you get it? Hey. I I thought I knew you'd like this. Right? Knock it off. Slow down. It can say, Check this out. You can say, did you see this? And that's rhetorical.
You don't need an answer to that.

Bill Simpson: Right.

Randy Pryor: Look what I found. Those are all good things. Okay? Mhmm. So you send her a text without any pressure. Nope. You're not expecting engagement. You're not even expecting an answer. It's kinda like a delivery system. You know, it's a little gift, a little little present. You're basically letting her know that you are thinking of her because this is very personal to her. But without the pressure of, hey. Can we talk? K. First of all, gentlemen, never say we need to talk. Right? There's so many ways to engage someone without saying we need to talk.

Bill Simpson: Well, I mean, you're on you're on the the defensive automatically when that comes up. Yeah.

Randy Pryor: Right. You're leaning back. Okay. How about if you say, hey. Can I run something by you? That's lean in. Mhmm. Hey. Can I get your feedback on something? Hey  can you help me? Those are all lean in. Those are like, yeah. How what how can I help? Right? Mhmm. So you'd send her a one of your top 10 things that, you know, you know, create a little list. Send her a text and then see what happens. Don't expect a reply. Don't tell her you miss her. No pressure, and don't do 2 or 3 in a day. That's a full court press.

Bill Simpson: Yeah.

Randy Pryor:  She's gonna be backing off going, woah. Woah. Woah. Dude, slow down. Stop. Leave me alone.

Bill Simpson: And I can imagine the guy who's really eager to to reconnect. And he does the one thing, it requires a lot of patience for him to contain himself from doing exactly what you said.

Randy Pryor: Right. And that's one of the most important aspects, qualities that you can learn. You know, in the Bill, it says love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. We hear that at weddings. Right? If you notice the very first one is patience. Love is patience.  It's even before kindness.

Bill Simpson: Mhmm.

Randy Pryor: So, yeah, now would be a really great time to learn patience. So you'd send her one text. Now if she replies pretty quickly with a thumbs up or, you know, hey, thanks or whatever. Okay. Then you can start doing that. But I would back off of trying to fix it until she invites you to start to work on it.

Bill Simpson: Right. So kinda detached from anything other than I'm sending this to her. And don't get upset if she doesn't text you right back, or maybe it's 2 or 3 days, maybe not at all. Right?

Randy Pryor: Right. Maybe not at all. That's okay because this is a one way street. This is sending her something because it's the right thing to do, not to try and engage. The problem that us men have is is that 2 step process. Right? Something's broken. We have to fix it, and we get all nervous about that. K. We get anxious about that.

Bill Simpson: Mhmm.

Randy Pryor: Let go. You have to let go and just do it because it's the right thing to do. I mean, that's that's really what it comes down to. If she sees and and sees you doing things For her, she will know that it's a manipulation. She will also know that it's temporary.

Bill Simpson: Right.

Randy Pryor: So if you become the best version of you, because it's the right thing to do and you learn some great stuff. Maybe you help other people. Right? We call it service. Not to get her attention.  Not waving, hey. Look at me. That's not it. You wanna become the best version of you. That has nothing to do with her. But that happens to be the single most attractive thing that you can do.

Bill Simpson: Yeah. And I'm thinking, you know, if she doesn't respond at all, what do I do? I don't send anything anything else until she responds. Right?

Randy Pryor: You'd wait 2 or 3 more days.

Bill Simpson: Mhmm.

Randy Pryor: Yeah. You wouldn't do it right away. If she completely ignores it, which is very common, you wait 2 or 3 days, you pick something else off of her top 10 list, and it doesn't have to be an article. Okay? You can go if you guys are married and maybe have kids, go into your on your phone, go to your photos, go back as far as you can. Right years years if you can. Grab a picture of the kids when they were small. Okay? And you're not in the in the photo. It's not a Bill, happy family photo, just the kids.

Bill Simpson: Mhmm.

Randy Pryor: Send it to her. And all you say is, look what I found. Because I don't know any parents that wouldn't want another picture of their kids from long ago, even if it's already in your phone. You still want a picture of the kids. Right?

Bill Simpson: Right.

Randy Pryor: But don't say, look what we did. Right? That's manipulation. Yeah. And that's the hardest part for us guys is to let go. Be very careful to not manipulate. In fact, one of my clients, this was years ago, He was very, curious. His wife didn't reply to him. And I said, well, what did you send her? Well, I sent her a picture of the 2 of us on vacation in Australia 2 years ago.

Randy Pryor: Manipulation.

Bill Simpson: Yeah.

Randy Pryor: We're trying to get her to think of better times, right, and she could smell it a mile away.

Bill Simpson: Right. Going back, as you said. Right.

Randy Pryor: Right. It's not about going back. It's not about, hey. Look at me.

Bill Simpson: Right.

Randy Pryor: Send her a link to something that you are doing. Hey. Look at me. Not at all.

Bill Simpson: Yeah. And, you know, and the relationship moving forward, it's not gonna be anything where it was going back. It just can't.

Randy Pryor: It can't be. You have to stop trying. 1 of my clients had, a a situation that his wife was in an active affair. She was seeing somebody else. As a matter of fact, putting it on the family calendar on the refrigerator that should be gone this weekend.
And he knew what that was about.

Bill Simpson: Right.

Randy Pryor: And he joined our program, and we said, okay. But you you can't stop her from doing anything. As soon as you cross the street over to her side, you're dead. It'll go south. So instead, he works on himself. We help him out. He just becomes a great guy and a great dad. He had a I think his daughter was, like, seven years old at the time. He became a a terrific father. Okay?

And after about I think it was almost two and a half months of just pure working on himself, you know, every time the wife was gone for the weekend, he'd have a daddy daughter date and take her to, you know, a pancake breakfast and do all kinds of fun stuff. And every time home, she noticed that their daughter was really happy that she got to spend time with that. Okay. About that was about 10 weeks later. We helped him out and gave him the right words to say, basically, he said, hey.

Randy Pryor: Listen. This situation isn't working for me, so I found an apartment. It's not too far away because I still wanna spend time with, our daughter, and that's what I'm gonna do. And she said, hang on. Wait a second.

I've seen what you've been doing. I've seen your changes, and I really like it, but how do I know that it's gonna stay this way? Right. And he was smart enough to give the proper reply. You can't say, oh, I promise.  I'll never be blah blah blah. That's junk. Right? No. He said, well, I I gotta be honest with you.

I like my new direction. I love what I've been doing. So I'm never going back, but I don't expect you to believe that. Maybe you should trust what you see. When people on the phone called off the affair, and they reconciled, and they're still together today doing great.

Bill Simpson: That's awesome, man. But a great story. Well, I know you mentioned in your Bill that you, there there's a superpower out there that, that you incorporate. What is that superpower?

Randy Pryor: Well, the superpower is letting go. The superpower is not about trying to fix the issues and work on the marriage and do all that kind of stuff. Okay? Getting her back cannot be your goal, and that's the hardest part. Okay. Let's say that your goal is I want my wife back. Okay. The best way to do that is to change your goal from getting   your wife back to simply becoming the best version of yourself possible.

Bill Simpson: Period.

Randy Pryor: And, yeah, period. That's all. Yeah. My stuff is faith based, and that's what works because we can't change her mind, but god can.

Randy Pryor: That's just the bottom line of it. Right?

Bill Simpson: Yeah.

Randy Pryor: We we have guys that have success stories like crazy. But the success can't be dependent on someone else. How can someone guarantee what someone else is going to do?

Bill Simpson: You can't.

Randy Pryor: Can't. Yeah. But you can guarantee what you're gonna choose to do. It's the best thing that god ever gave us was our own choices and attitudes.

Bill Simpson: And I think You know, based on what you're saying, it's a win win no matter what. Because if you're gonna be a better you, the best version of yourself for you Right. And she doesn't want you. Well, at least you're you you've you've stepped up and you're ready for the next one.

Randy Pryor: Right. And you can feel great for the rest of your life because you know you've done everything. You don't wanna get down, you know, a year or 2 or 3 down the line, thinking, well, I should have done this or I could have done better. I could have done that. Right.  It's been 14 years since since my divorce. I know that I did absolutely everything that I could, and I feel great about it. Now my ex wife and I have presentations that we give at churches on forgiveness.

Bill Simpson: Okay.

Randy Pryor: Well, she and I and and her husband and I are are, you know, they're 2 of my best friends. But that doesn't happen because I'm trying really hard. That's not how this works.

Bill Simpson: Right.

Randy Pryor: Right? You do want you have to let go and say, okay. Success for me is having peace and having, joy. And this is much more important. What we're talking about is much more important than your marriage. If you've got kids, where are they gonna learn this stuff? Right? It wasn't modeled to me. Nope. K.  So this goes to your kids and to their kids. So when you get really healthy, That is the absolute best thing that you can give your kids is a healthy dad.

Bill Simpson: Yeah. It's like when when when you know, win for you and and your ex or or your, you know, newfound spouse or whatever and and good for the family as well. 

Randy Pryor: Exactly. Yeah. And if you don't mind, I would love to offer a free consultation to all of your audience. You know, they can book a free reconnection planning session. Know, either I'll do it myself or one of my support coaches, you just go to my website,, and, just sign up for it. We'd be glad to help because my heart goes out to anybody has to go through any kind of separation is rough.

Bill Simpson: Yep. I feel you've been through it a lot, and that's why I'm here too to to help empower these men to be the best version of themselves. As like you said. I'm gonna have your contact information in the show notes. So if someone is not writing it down right now, it's in the show notes, and they'll have that Any last words you wanna share with us before we part?

Randy Pryor: Sure. Absolutely. You can do this. It is possible, but you don't base your behavior on her behavior. You're not nice to her when she's nice to you. You lead by example. Right? And what I say is just do the next right thing for the right reasons with the right heart and leave the outcome to god.

Bill Simpson: Amen, brother. Appreciate that. Randy, thank you so much for reaching out and wanting to be on this show. I think you're doing incredible work. I I wish you continued success.

Randy Pryor: Thank you so much. God bless. God bless you.

Bill Simpson: And that will do it

Bill Simpson: for this bonus episode of the men on the Path to Love podcast, how to reconnect separated husbands with their wife, I'm Bill Simpson, your host. Thanks for listening. I do appreciate it. And a big thank you once again to Randy Prior for sharing his wisdom with us. You can find Randy's contact information in the showroom.

Now coming up on the next episode of the men on the path of podcast, I will cover a very sensitive topic. And that is, how do you navigate the laws of your spouse or I will share Angel's story about his journey of losing his wife, Rosie, to breast cancer, and how he courageously embraced his pain, his vulnerability and his faith to heal after such a tragic loss. Please join me for the how to heal after the loss of your spouse or partner episode. Now if you have a topic you'd like for me to cover or have an issue in your relationship out my website where you can email me or schedule a free call. Just go to men on the path to

And if you know someone you think might benefit from listening to this podcast, please pay it forward. Share the link and share the love. And until next time, keep your heart open and stay on the path to load.

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