Men on the Path to Love
Relationship coach Bill Simpson offers stories and wisdom, to inspire men be the best version of themselves in relationship and live the life they love.
Men on the Path to Love
BONUS: Walt's Story: From Abuse to Finding True Love*
Ever wonder how a life of unhappiness in an abusive marriage could transform into a journey of love and fulfillment? My guest Walt was on that path to love. He shares his inspiring story of his personal growth and maturity in relationship, as well as his secret ingredient to what helps his relationship stay strong.
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Hi and welcome to the Men on the Path to Love podcast bonus episode Walt's story from abuse to finding true love. I'm Bill Simpson, your host. I coach men who want to stop suffering in relationship and who want a deeper sense of love and connection. I coach them how to do it and how to be the best version of himself for himself and for his current or future relationship, and live the life he loves. In this bonus episode, walt and I have a frank discussion about our relationships. He tells his story about how he was in an abusive marriage and he didn't even know it. Once he became aware and got out of that marriage, he found love in a way he never thought possible. Walt shares his secret ingredient to help keep his marriage alive and well. His path to love is truly inspiring. It's the Men on the Path to Love podcast. Welcome, walt to Men on the Path to Love.
Walt Blau:Wow, thanks for having me Glad to be here, man. You've been on quite a journey and I live a blessed life right now. That is for sure.
Bill Simpson:Yeah, well, take us back to where all this started and where you are today. We've got time. Just dive right in and tell us your story, man.
Walt Blau:Where it starts, in a way. I ran around quite a bit when I was younger, got in a lot of trouble and it was the classic get married or go to jail. So I decided to get married and stayed out of trouble and I thought that was the smart thing to do.
Bill Simpson:So what you're saying is that you would have gotten in trouble had you not gotten married.
Walt Blau:Yeah, I was in a lot of trouble at the point and I was going down a pretty bad path.
Bill Simpson:Okay.
Walt Blau:And the prosecutor was like listen, you're not going in the right direction. I was like, all right, all right. So I thought getting married would be the answer to that. So, a lot of just nightclub stuff, drugs, a lot of running around causing trouble, nothing crazy, crazy. But just it accumulated and it got to a point and, plus, it's just not a lifestyle.
Walt Blau:I, I was unhappy, I was very unhappy, didn't know what direction I was gonna go, didn't have any clue what I was doing. So this happens I get married, was unhappy from day one and just to jump way forward it took me a long time and my current wife helped me a lot. On it was for many years I was like, fuck that bitch, you know, just mad at her, right, just like she's the problem. She's the problem. Well, no, dude, there's two people in a relationship, exactly right. I was no saint. So it's like it took me many years to accept that, to truly accept it, and be like okay, there's nothing wrong with her, nothing wrong with me, we just weren't a good fit and we were more out of convenience. So I want to put that right up front because I don't want to make her out to be like somebody bad, and there's nothing wrong with her.
Bill Simpson:Goes both ways. Yep, I get it yeah yeah.
Walt Blau:So we're out in colorado, we get married in vegas, and my best man, my buddy, was taking pictures and he showed me the pictures the next day and I was like you could tell I was not happy right from day one. And then what we did was we started just living our own lives. You know, we, we were roommates and we would fight and we would fight all the time and I was making pretty good money and she was not. She was like trying to be the entrepreneur and I'm never going to work for the man. And uh, she's brilliant, she's very smart, but she's just, she's the type type of person you nobody could tell her what to do, right? So we clashed heads a lot. So fast forward and about six years in, we moved to new jersey because I started working with her sister in a video photo production company, had a great time. Her sister's just an amazing human being and it was her sister that brought it up, because I said, man, I'm just not happy and she's like you know, you're in an abusive relationship. I was like, huh, no, she's like, yeah, look how you're being treated. And I was like, huh, what? It's like the frog in boiling water thing. It just got to a point where I was just so used to it and we were making very good money.
Walt Blau:I need a new pair of shoes, I need a new pair of sneakers. And I'm the type of guy that goes out to Kohl's and buys a $40 pair of sneakers and breaks them, runs them through, takes me six months to ruin them and I buy another 40 pair. I go hey, I'm going'm gonna stop by cole's this afternoon and I'm my way running around with the business. I said I need a new pair of sneakers. She goes we can't afford it. I'm not gonna allow you to buy sneakers. Whoa. And I didn't. I was like, okay, little things like that. And then I like to play poker and I would be out in a poker game and I would buy myself dinner. I would swipe my credit card, you know, buy dinner, pay the tab, instant phone call or text message. What are you doing there? What'd you buy that for? We can't afford that. Just little things like that, like control.
Walt Blau:So what I ended up doing is a defense mechanism. I just put 15 hours a day in the business. I just work like an animal. I'm like I don't need to be home. I just worked, just avoided it, avoided it, right, and which in turn, made the business very successful because I was putting so much time in, right. But I would sit in the studio, bill, I would sit there and I'd stare at you know the equipment and I'm like 830 at night just sitting there with a beer going. This can't be a marriage. This can't be how people are married. This is not right. You should like the person you know. Love is one thing, like is another. I think there are two different things and I'm like I just don't like being around her, you know, and the way she makes me feel, especially once her sister brought that up. Then I started like looking back, you know. Then I started like what about that time? What about that time?
Bill Simpson:so just piling up and paying attention.
Walt Blau:You know, at that point yeah, because I just kind of gave up after a while, right until her sister brought it up to me and, uh, we're in jersey and her parents lived in vegas and she said, and we got in this really big fight and she goes you know what? I'm gonna go to vegas, stay with my folks to give us some time. And I said if you walk out that door, we're done. She said, no, I understand, you're just. And she tried doing her thing. You know, manipulation or whatever. I didn't have it, I wasn't having it. I said we're done, we're done. She walked out the door and, bill, I'm telling you, right in the middle of my chest I could physically feel something break. It was an incredible feeling and like the lights were brighter, the walls were more white. It's hard to explain.
Bill Simpson:It was incredible feeling I get it, man, because I've been through three divorces, all right, and I know that my stomach felt like I was digesting glass and and it was like all these things, these symptoms, were happening in my, my marriage. And then, when I finally said, nope, I'm done, it all went away.
Walt Blau:Yeah, yep. So her sister took her to the airport and I was done. So, uh, on the airplane she wrote all these love letters to me and then mailed them back, but she got the divorce papers before I got those letters from the airplane.
Bill Simpson:How's that man?
Walt Blau:Oh, I felt great, by the way, and so I brought a bunch of money into the marriage and through the divorce she tried getting that money and even her divorce lawyer said you can't touch that, that's not your money. You know he had that prior, she goes. Well, if I can't touch that, that's not your money, you know he had that prior. She was well, if I can't have it, I'm going to drag the divorce out for so long that he's just got to burn through all that money to pay for the lawyer. I was like son of a bitch, whatever, fine, just I'm happy. Like I felt amazing and come to find out her dad is the one that put a stop to it. Wow, uh.
Walt Blau:Her sister told me years later that they were at a table and she was running through what she wanted to do to me in the divorce. I love her dad to the end of the earth. Her dad is amazing dude, and her mom too. They're both great, great people. And her dad looked at her and said let him go. And that was it. He got mad at me because he's like you gave her back to me.
Walt Blau:I saw him quite a while after and he was pretty upset with me.
Bill Simpson:She wasn't just your problem, huh.
Walt Blau:No, no, he's like now it's my problem again. But again, going back, I've learned a lot. I've matured a lot since then. And you know I was an asshole, so it was both of us you, I was an asshole, so it was both of us, you know it just wasn't her. So then what happened? I went on a bender, drugs and drinking and stopped working out, eating like shit, and like three months later I met my current wife in the business meeting. And it was just a meeting of just like you and I were emailing back and forth, that's all it was. There was nothing there, you know. And we met face-to-face on a Thursday morning and about 10 minutes in we're like, okay, this is more than a business meeting. And I was 70 pounds overweight. My skin looked like a spring roll. You know how, when you're really unhealthy, it just got that sheen to it you know, yes, yes, and it's November and I do no shave.
Walt Blau:November I lost my uncle to prostate cancer. So for 22 years now I just grow up and I don't trim it or none. So I look like Grizzly Adams by the end of November. And I went out the night before and I still smelled like booze. And she saw something in me, dude, because we got talking and I said what do you like to do? She's like I like to dance. And I said I'll dance. The fucking soles right off your shoes, bill. She gave me an up and down, like you. She's in great shape, she takes really good care of her body and she's very athletic. I said, yeah. I said Saturday night, let's go out, I'll show you how to dance. She said all right, let's go Been together ever since Wow, that was over a decade ago.
Bill Simpson:She saw something in you right, holy cow dude.
Walt Blau:We still talk about it to the day. So we weren't married until four years in. But even a couple years in I was like this is what a relationship should be. You know, I just did a post about it and it's not 50-50, but it's always 100%, like one day she won't want to do nothing or she's busy or whatever. I got 90%. I'm talking household stuff, you know, and just partnership stuff. I got, and we have a son, and I got 90%. She picks up the 10% between the two of us. It's always a hundred percent. You know, it's none of this 50, 50 crap. You know, oh, I'll do this and you do this. Oh, man, this is what needs to be done, I'll take care of it. And then one day I'm just laying around and she takes care of it. You know what I mean.
Bill Simpson:Whatever, whatever happens, Just balancing it out, yeah, and that's the thing. And it's really comes down and I, you know, work with men, with relationships and oftentimes with the couple, and it's really collaborating to say, hey, we got to get this done.
Walt Blau:And let's figure out how we can do it that works for both of us. Yeah, and it's like the list thing, like as soon as you start making a list, you're doomed. In my opinion, as soon as you start going well, I do this and this and this, and you do this and this and this dude stop.
Bill Simpson:It's keeping me in more. That's what it's doing. Yeah, what are?
Walt Blau:we in fourth grade come on. So she was always busy. I was always busy, networking in the morning, working during the day, networking at night just same, we had that rotation this time.
Bill Simpson:It wasn't avoiding, though, right no, we were trying.
Walt Blau:Yeah, exactly no, I was like. I was like man, it's just hard to get together because we're always so. One day I sent her a calendar invite and I said surprise date with Walt. And she goes what are we doing? I said none of your business. He's like okay, and in my mind I'm like I just need time with you, like because we both work on a calendar, you know if it's in the calendar and our calendars fill up even to this day. So I end up. I think I just took her to dinner or something that night, but we still do it to this day.
Walt Blau:Again. We've been together almost 11 years now. Our wedding anniversary is coming up this weekend and I just accepted an invite from her yesterday. I have no idea what we're doing, but it doesn't matter. I did one tour for two days, took up two full days. I said surprise date with Walt. She goes what are you doing? I said you're going to have to find out. So I took her down to Atlantic City and we saw a concert and hung out and stayed the night down there and did all that when we were driving down to Atlantic City. She kind of got an idea of what we were doing, but it was still kind of fun. Up until that point she had no idea.
Bill Simpson:That's awesome.
Walt Blau:Yeah, yeah. So we really do that, and with the relationship we have now, it's storybook I don't know another word that could describe it.
Bill Simpson:I can again support you in that because, like I said, I've been through three divorces. Here's a guy talking about relationship coaching and he's been through three divorces. Well, I learned what not to do and finally I met my soulmate, the woman of my dreams, and we are, 15 years into it, strong and stronger than ever. It's like it keeps getting better and better, and that's part of why I'm doing this is because it's never too late and she's out there, right.
Walt Blau:A hundred percent, yeah, and?
Walt Blau:And the thing is I work in a blue collar job and when I see the guys in my industry, they were like I was when I was married, first married.
Walt Blau:They were going at happy hour, staying a happy hour late, going home quote unquote arguing with their wife, go to bed, wake up the next morning, repeat. And I'm like I don't want that. No, I want somebody that to this day, you know, I get up at 430 in the morning and this morning, you know, I go to crawl out of bed, my alarm goes off, I hit snooze and we call it a power cuddle. I'm like all right, power cuddle. And she wraps around me. And to this day, when our toes touch in bed or she walks by me on the couch, like I get shocked, like I can feel the electricity when she comes around, you know, and it's awesome, dude, but it's work every day too. If I heard myself talking right now, back when I was first married, I'd be like you're full of shit, dude, you're making that up, yeah I hear that, so if somebody's listening to this.
Walt Blau:Now in a bad relationship they're like I'm full of shit, dude. I could understand that.
Bill Simpson:Yeah, and sometimes it's our age. You know that early age is not really understanding what relationship is. Maybe the relationship that you grew up with with your parents, maybe that wasn't a great role model. There are a lot of different factors that can come into play here, and especially youth, and then you have experiences and then ideally, you want to learn from those experiences. You know learn from the failed relationship so that you don't make the mistake again and then eventually mature into seeing what's really important here in this relationship.
Walt Blau:Yeah, and when I talk to people about it, I tell them it's communication, absolutely, and talk in the tone like we are, like my wife and I. Of course we'll yell once in a while. I mean, you're human, but most of our stuff is in a tone like we're talking. She's like listen, something happened. I don't agree with it and I I think that can we talk about it? Because I I don't want this to keep going in this direction. I'm like, oh yeah, absolutely, what are we talking about? And we'll talk about it. Do I get upset sometimes? Yeah, but I'm getting upset because it's true, and it's my fault, so it's making me mad, you know. So I'm like damn.
Bill Simpson:You got to own it, man.
Walt Blau:You just got to own it and be like yeah, that was me, yeah, I did that. Uh-huh, okay, let's not do that again. But yeah, I think that's key, but also keeping things fresh. Man, you can't just fall into a routine, I think. I think routine in a in a partnership, is a death sentence. You just die slowly.
Bill Simpson:Yeah, I mean, that's what happens. You get into the rut of the routine and the worst thing that can happen in a relationship really is that you drift apart. You know, just fizzles out to nothing and nobody's really done anything. It just fizzles out to nothing and nobody's really done anything major, it's just, you know the air is gone.
Walt Blau:And when you see two like she'll call me out and I call her out, We'll sit down on the couch because our routine I'm talking about routine we get our son to bed and then we watch a show, or we'll sit on the couch and do adulting, as we call. You know, balance checkbooks. And look at my showing my age dude balance a checkbook.
Walt Blau:wow, he said that in a minute really yeah right uh, but sometimes we just don't want to talk to each other and we got a tv show that we've been watching and I lay on the couch, she lays on top of me and we we watch tv. You don't have to sit there and like communicate that way every night or every day, but if you're happy laying there, you know she just piles on top of me. I'm twice her size, so she just lays on top of me.
Bill Simpson:Well, yeah, I mean, my wife and I will watch something and we'll have our either holding our hands, or maybe our feet are touching on the ottoman or something, and that's just. That's just letting us know that we're here, you know, and and that feels like connection, that is connection 100%, we do the same thing, like the way our couches, I'll lay and she lays.
Walt Blau:So we're making like an L, but our legs are crossed and neither one of us are on a phone. We're just watching a TV show. Yeah, you know, if I see her on the phone I'd be like, hey, man, you want to come back here. And she's like, oh, geez, man, you know, because we're human dude, the phone's everything to us. So she picks it up out of habit and starts doing something. I'm like, hey, be cool if we hang out. And that's our little, you know, our little cute. Each other like get off the phone, I lost you. Yeah, okay. Then she puts the phone down. She does it to me. I'll get on the phone and just randomly look at stuff because you, just because it's habit, right, so you're. And then she's like, hey, you want to stay here with me. And I'm like, oh, okay, but I don't get mad about it, you know.
Bill Simpson:And that's the beauty of it, that you're not getting mad at it, you're not reacting. You have this mutual agreement you call each other out on stuff and you're okay with that. It's not like she's nagging and you're blah, blah, blah. Yeah, it's just being real and what's really important is to keep that connection. So yelling and screaming and blaming and all those things how's that going to work for you?
Walt Blau:No, I never get you anywhere? No, of course not. No, you know, I'll tell her. She does the same thing to me, you know, and I'm, and what I talk about here, we talk about all the time anyway, so I'm never going to say anything that I would never tell her she. You know, outside of her, sure, and uh, she's like hey, you know, see you later, I love you, and I'm like all right, you know, if I'm upset about something, she's like you just like me today, yeah, and I just walk away. She's like okay, bye, you know, it's like I don't love you every day.
Bill Simpson:There's times I don't love you Exactly, and the truth is we don't, and that's okay. Our feelings come and go, yet the commitment's there Right, and you know you'll come back around, and she does too.
Walt Blau:Yep, and I feel where I've grown quite a bit, especially in our relationship, is past relationships. If it got to that like little instances we just talked about, or like I don't feel like I love you right now. I still like you, you know, I still want to be around you. I'm just not in the mood, kind of thing, whatever. Yeah, I would have a flight instinct. I'd be like all right, I'm fucking, I'm leaving. It's too scary. Yeah, now I'm like I ain't going nowhere. Yeah, yeah, I'll see you this afternoon. She's like okay, and I know she ain't going nowhere. She's like like you said you'll come around, I'll see you tonight. What's for dinner? All right, I guess.
Bill Simpson:Yeah, and you both feel secure in the relationship. That's longevity. That's going to take you somewhere.
Walt Blau:Yeah, security and trust, because, like for work, she went to Vegas for a week and Bill before her. I'd be like where are you going? Who are you going with? What are you doing? Now I'm like, all right, call me if you need something. I know you're going to be busy, and I got our three-year-old, so I'm going to be busy, and that year old, so I'm going to be busy. You know, and that's not a complaint, I love hanging out with them, so it's like, cool, I got them, you know, all to myself in a way. Yeah, and there was a couple days we didn't talk to each other. Hey, man, if that's what. If she wants to go out and do that, you know something outside the marriage, all right. Well, when you get back I'll see you later. And she knows it too. There's zero tolerance, yeah, and we have that thing to where, if you think you need to step outside the marriage, just fucking tell me up front. I don't need you to run a six-month affair.
Bill Simpson:And then I find out on the side no, dude, that ain't cool yeah, my wife and I both have that agreement that if in it, you know, if we have that pull towards someone else or whatever, you know we're going to talk about it, we're not going to go there unless we talk to each other about that, and I don't see that ever happening.
Walt Blau:No, no, I don't even think about it yeah, yeah, it's not even a thought right, because it's like we were down. We took a beach vacation not too long ago. She loves the beach, my son loves the beach. I'm kind of okay with it. Getting better at it right, doesn't matter where you are, it's who you're with. Exactly that's the way I look at it. And of course, there's beautiful women on the beach. Of course you know, and she'd nudge me look at that one. Oh damn, she's good looking because she knows that I'm like that's just way too much trouble well, you're a human being.
Bill Simpson:come on, you're a man and you're a human being, and you know, there are beautiful people out there.
Walt Blau:Absolutely, and do you think that that's a sign of insecurity in a relationship to where the one partner would get upset with the other by looking at somebody?
Bill Simpson:It depends on how they're looking. You know, like if they're gawking and and really like, oh damn, look at her man, look at that ass. That's inappropriate. Like, like that's, I would feel insecure around that because you know you're not seeing her right. Um, you could talk about it and say, hey, you know, I see an attractive woman in a bikini.
Bill Simpson:I, you know I look, but but I'm not like you know, and if she feels it's checking in with her, if she feels disrespected by you looking, then talk to her about it and how she experiences that. And if she says you know, I really do feel insecure when you do that, then stop yeah.
Walt Blau:It goes back to communication, right.
Bill Simpson:Exactly.
Walt Blau:We make the joke of yeah, why, well, what no? I trust my wife, you know we communication right exactly. We make the joke of yeah, why, well, what no? I trust my wife, you know we go on vacation. You're like where are you going? I go, I ain't got a clue. And they're like you don't know where you're going. No man, my wife knows me well enough already. I'm there to load the luggage in the car and drive it to wherever we're going, because she sets it up. She knows what I like and I don't like. I trust her, you know.
Bill Simpson:And what's different there, walt, is you're not like, okay, whatever you want to do, dear, you're just cool with it. And that's the difference. And some guys would see it that way as oh, you're P-whipped or you're just doing whatever she's doing, but no, as long as you're okay and you trust her.
Walt Blau:That's what it's all about. That brings me a fun story. We were about a year in and my wife is I married way over my station, dude, she's amazing. And uh, we were about a year in and she was single when I met her and I'm like man, look at you, she was dating and but she wasn't in a relationship. So again, you're in, we're driving down the road and I go I don't know where I go, huh. And I look at her and I go. I said I know why we're together and she goes, you know, she acts all oh, really Do. And I go. I tell you no, that I Bill. It like came to me all of a sudden. We're driving down the road and I go that's what it is, because she would talk about guys that she was dating before and they would just yes, all around her and just well, that gets tiring, dude who wants that?
Walt Blau:nothing sexy about that right no, no, because we'd be doing some. I'm like I ain't doing that. She's like come on, I'm like no, yeah, or I don't want to go there. You don't want to go there, no. How many times do I have to tell you no? So I think that that's part of it, because easiest way to bring it all together. She's like I love your masculinity.
Bill Simpson:She, you know she likes to have a man around.
Walt Blau:I sweat and I drag my knuckles and I build things and and you fart and all that good and I fart and I smell and and I eat a lot and and I don't eat like she does. And you know she grew up in california. I grew up on a farm, so you know, in upstate new york she's used to eating plants and I'm used to eating meat, so it's just like that kind of stuff. But that's kind of what brings its balance right.
Bill Simpson:It's like you know, and the thing you know I'm noticing about you, Walt, we've only been talking for a little bit here, but you've got a big heart, man, and you're open, and that's the other side of masculinity and we have to embrace that.
Walt Blau:Yeah, open, and that's the other side of masculinity and we have to embrace that. Yeah, 100. And I tell my son there's two things. I tell my son I'll look at him, I go did you listen to your mother? Right, and then I said everything you ever want you can get through. Kindness, a work ethic and be kind and use your manners will get you anywhere you want in this world. But once in a while you got to let a motherfucker know and I tell him that he's three years old and that's exactly what I tell, because you got to stand for something. You got to stand for something.
Bill Simpson:Right.
Walt Blau:You know, it's like when somebody's mad like a buddy of mine, he's like this person's mad at me. I go good, you stood up for something, come on. If you don't stand up for what you believe in, do you really have any values?
Bill Simpson:Right and standing up for yourself and being assertive. You can be kind and do that, or at least in a compassionate way, but it doesn't have to be all rainbows and unicorns, it's just being real and being a decent person. You know that's what it comes down to. Yeah, I hear you talking about your marriage and I think about mine and the way you were referring to your wife going off to Las Vegas. You know, my wife's doing a retreat this weekend and you trust and all that I feel freer in my life than I've ever been in a relationship and I want to be in this relationship.
Bill Simpson:It's not free to go out and do what I want to do, like go outside the marriage, right. It's just feeling free to be who I am, 100% and she loves me in spite of it. Right, that's awesome. I'm just me and she loves me. You know, instead of trying to do something or be somebody that I'm not and that's to me, is what I'm hearing you say with you're just you and she's just her, and you're both free to just just be 100 percent and not being perfect is perfect.
Bill Simpson:Yeah, yeah, perfect in all of your imperfections.
Walt Blau:Yeah, yeah, perfect in all of your imperfections. Yep, I'm the same way, and you rolled it up. Well that she is 100 percent herself and I'm free. She feels free. We hold on a high standard, quality over quantity, and I feel that that's such more impactful.
Bill Simpson:It's a beautiful thing, man.
Walt Blau:Yeah.
Bill Simpson:Well, I really appreciate you just opening up and sharing your experience with me and my listeners. Anything you'd like to wrap things up with?
Walt Blau:I highly recommend that you try the surprise date thing, even if you don't work on a calendar a lot of people do nowadays because that's just kind of the way the world is but send your significant other. However you do that with your significant other, your partner, whatever you want to call it communicate with them and say Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, you're mine till four. What are we doing? It's none of your business. I love it. And some people are going to get super anxiety about it the first couple of times because they're like where are we going? How do I need to dress? What are we doing? What do I need to bring? Dude, I'll let you know before we go. And the thing is, bill, I've gone and we've both gone extravagant, but we've also done. It's four o'clock, what are we doing? Let's go, we walk out the front door and we walk around the lake, that's it.
Bill Simpson:Yeah, and I was going to say like don't sweat it right, Like just make that date. And if it's as simple as walking around the block or going out to dinner or taking a flight somewhere, don't sweat it, Just do it.
Walt Blau:But the thing is, you don't have to be like extravagant. If you don't have any money, go on a walk. Yeah, exactly, that's it. Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich two of them and go sit at the park. Come on man, I'm a hopeless romantic dude.
Bill Simpson:It's about being together and making that connection. Man, don't worry about the, the, how you know.
Walt Blau:Just to just be, let's do it. Uh, yeah, if I, if I wanted to pass something along, is communication? Uh, check your ego, you know it goes both ways. And the other phrase that we like is it takes two people to fight and one to stop it.
Bill Simpson:There you go well, tell us real quick your uh b podcast. How can people check that out?
Walt Blau:Best way is two ways brawpodcastcom the website's got everything you need to know on it, and then Instagram at brawpodcast all one word I'll have those links in the show notes as well.
Bill Simpson:Awesome, Thank you. All right, Walt. Thanks so much, man. I appreciate it. Continue success with your relationship and your family and maybe we'll cross paths again, man. That'd be amazing. I love it. Thank you, and that will bring this episode of the Men on the Path to Love podcast to a close. My name is Bill Simpson. Thank you so much for listening and a big thanks going out to Walt Blau for sharing his story and giving us a great tip on how to keep our relationships growing strong. You'll find links to Walt's Be Raw podcast and more in the show notes Now coming up on the next episode of the Men on the Path to Love podcast.
Bill Simpson:As a little boy, you may have heard someone say big boys don't cry, and you may even be in alignment with that mindset today, and if so, it may be time to shift that mindset, because there's a biological reason for crying and it's actually to make us feel better.
Bill Simpson:You'll hear Kyle's story and how he changed his mindset about crying and now is living the life he loves. Please join me, for the big boys should cry the proven benefits of crying episode. And if you have a topic or issue in your relationship you would like me to cover on this podcast. Please contact me. You can text me on my podcast page or, better yet, go to my website, menonthepathtolovecom. That's where you can contact me. You can set up a free coaching session with me and download my free cheat sheet Five Ways to Communicate Better in Relationship. It's all at menonthepathtolovecom, and if you are in agreement with me that we need more love in this world, then please share the link to this podcast and share the love, and until next time, keep your heart open and stay on the path to love.